Frequently asked

What is Miga?

We're a virtual medical group that helps patients all over the United States improve their weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes. You work with a dedicated Miga care team which includes a medical provider, dietitian, health coach, and care navigators who support you every step of the way. Best of all? It's covered by most insurance plans.

What insurance does Miga accept?

We’re covered by Medicare, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Humana, Anthem, Aetna, and Sana in certain states, and we’ll be adding more insurers in 2024. You can also use your insurance for lab tests and medications that might be part of your heart health plan.
You’re responsible for any copay or coinsurance, just as you would be for an in-person doctor visit.

How much does Miga cost?

You may use your health insurance to pay for visits, medications, and labs. The patient responsibility for your visit will vary depending on your health plan. You are responsible for any copay, coinsurance, or deductible, just as you would be for an in-office doctor visit. There are no annual fees or monthly subscriptions.

Am I eligible?

To confirm your eligibility for Miga, just complete a quick form to tell us about your health and your insurance coverage.